
Rollin J. Lobaugh Catalog -O gauge


92img688.jpg 93img687.jpg
 1940 Edition, US$0.25
 153x227 mm, 64 pages

99img681.jpg 1953 Editon, US$0.25
 280x213mm, 28 pages


99img683.jpgWhere any model railroader visiting the west coast is welcome to inspect our new facilities.

Our "O" gauge model railroad department is under the able management of Al Ellis, who is not only familiar with manufacturing, but is an ardent model railroader.

In this catalog we are introducing several new items and under Mr. Ellis' supervision we plan to continue to develop and market new items. We have been manufacturing quality "O" gauge equipment and supplies for twenty-two years and we appreciate the confidence you model railroaders have in LOBAUGH equipment.

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