compiled by Goege H. Drury
4th printing 2004, 1st printing 1993
448 pages, 211 × 141 mm, adhesive binding
on the cover: Norfolk & Western 129, a streamlined K2 Class 4-8-2 built by Baldwin in 1923, and Norfolk & Western 115, a K1 Class 4-8-2 built by N&W in 1917, at Hagerstown, Missouri. Photo by Jim Shaughnessy.
3 Introduction
12 Railroads, Locomotive Builders, and Locomotive Equipment
432 Appendix
445 Index
The Guide to North American Steam Locomotives explores the fascinating history and development of steam locomotives in North America. This valuable resource also includes details on wheel arrangements and streamlining, as well as rosters, photos, and summaries and specifications for hundreds of locomotives.
• 400+ black-and-white photos, including detail and action shots
• Historical summaries of more than 77 railroads
• Profiles of locomotive makers and equipment, locomotive types, and historic locomotives
• Timeline of steam locomotive development
• 70+ rosters
• Historical and technical societies
• Recommended reading list
By 1960 steam locomotives had all but disappeared from North America's railroads, but more than three decades later they are still among the most fascinating machines ever devised. Among railroad enthusiasts steam remains the number one topic of interest, and the general public still equates railroading with steam locomotives. Why? What lay behind the romance? Steam locomotives were the machinery of transportation, the first industrial technology that was visible to every-one. Who built them? Why did railroads have so many kinds of steam locomotives−and why did locomotives differ so greatly from railroad to rail-road? What did all the parts and plumbing do? This book answers those questions and many oth-ers. It is a compact, one-volume reference book covering the development of steam locomotives in the United States, Canada, and Mexico during the 20th century.
George H. Drury, former Senior Editor in the Books Department of Kalmbach Publishing Co., has traveled extensively by train in North America and Europe and is well known for his articles on rail travel in Trains Magazine. His other books include The Train-Watchers Guide to North American Railroads, The Historical Guide to North American Railroads, and the Guide to Tourist Railroads and Railroad Museums. He has also written and published railfan guides to Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Britain and Ireland. Drury was Kalmbach's railroad librarian for 17 years.
ブログ"TransPacific Railroad"の記事をご覧ください。
ラベル:Steam Locomotive data