
The American Railroad Passenger Car

by John H. White, Jr. Originally published in one hardcover volume, 1978
316x264 mm, 690 pages, soft cover


Preface xi
0NE The Day Coach in the Wooden Era: 1830 to 1910 2
Representative Cars 50
TWO The Day Coach: Era of the Metal Car 116
THREE First-Class Travel: Sleeping Cars 202
FOUR First-Class Travel: Parlor, Dining, and Private Cars 286
Notes to Chapters One through Four xv
FIVE Passenger Car Accommodations: From Decoration to Vestibules 372
SIX Head-End Cars: Baggage Express, Combination, Emigrant, and Mail Cars 452
SEVEN Running Gears 496
EIGHT Self-Propelled Cars and Motor Trains 578
Appendix A: Biographical Sketches of Car Designers and Builders 647
Appendix B: Statistics 657
Appendix C: American Railroad Car Chronology 661
Notes to Chapters Five through Eight 665
Bibliography 676
Index 680
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