Metcalfe Publications
Volume One 1994
96 pages, letter size, soft cover
3 City Trains in the Summer of '56 (consists, models & etc.)
12 SD-7 Painting & Lettering (Proto 2000)
18 Passenger Car Maintenance at Denver
21 Union Pacific's Steam Era Auto Cars
30 Mail & Express Train in the Summer of '57
36 Lewis Fraley's Train Book
39 Laramie to Rawlins, a SubDivision you can model
56 Modeling extra 3916, Note on How to Model a Specific Train
62 Union Pacific C30-7, a Common Contemporary Locomotive
67 Modeling Union Pacific C30-7's
72 UP''s 4750 Covered Hoppers
85 Union Pacific CA-1 Caboose
Volume Two 1996
96 pages, letter size, soft cover
1 Modeling Two-Bay Covered Hoppers
9 Modeling A-50-4 Automobile Boxcar
18 Sharman Hill, April 7, 1978
24 350,000 Gallon Common Standard Water Tanks
30 Layout Spotlight 33*66 feet
37 Pacific Fruit Express Wood Refrigerator Car Kits
41 Rivarossi's New Big Boy Reviewed
49 UP's Fast Forties (DDA40Xs & SD40-2s)
59 The Rebirth of the Centennials (DDA40X)
61 Steel, Cupola-Equiped Cabooses
74 Union Pacific Standard Depots
88 A Passenger Train You Can Model (1969 City of Denver)
Volume Three 1997
96 pages, letter size, soft cover
3 Turbocharged GP9s (GP9 & GP9B)
15 Walthers New Ballast Hoppers MOB
19 A Passenger Train You Can Model (1961 SF Overland)
22 Harriman head End Cars
39 SP's 60-B-9 & 60-B-10 Baggage Cars
41 Mail by Rail, 60' RPO
49 Wrecking Derrick Cars
65 Modeling a Bucyrus-Erie 250 Ton Wrecker (Bachmann)
72 General Electric locomotive Trucks
84 Union Pacific diesel fuel tenders
92 Creating Realistic Back Drops
Volume Four 1998
96 pages, letter size, soft cover
1 Modeling Green River in the 1950s
13 Sinclair & Union Pacific
17 Sinclair Tank Cars
25 Modernized Coaches
39 Automated railway (Boxcar models)
45 Modeling Union Pacific F-Units
60 F Unit Modeling Notes
61 Highliners/Proto 2000 F3A in HO
65 B-50-11, Double Seathed Boxcar
69 Building a B-50-11
74 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
76 Modeling UPs 135 foot Turntables
75 Oral History, 800-class steam engines
90 A Missed Opportunity: Rivarossi's up-dated FEF reviewed
95 Hi Tech Details: EMD GP-9 B-Unit Cab