HERE is the story of John Allen's spectacular HO scale Gorre & Daphetid (pronounced "Gory and Defeated") Railroad, a wonderful miniature world complete with towering mountain ranges, awesome chasms spanned by awesome bridges, great smoky cities, and a thousand smaller details. The G. D. Line was a model railroad the likes of which had never been seen before. John Allen was one of the premier model railroaders of all time, a man who devoted the last 20 years of his life almost exclusively to the hobby. In approaching model railroading as more than just a pastime, he elevated it to the status of an art. This book, published al-most 10 years after his death, is a record and celebration of his life's work. Contens | The Story of the fabulous HO scale Gorre & Dephetid Railroad by Linn H. Westcott 1981 Kalmbach Books 285×238mm 144 pages, US$21.95 (6,800円 機芸出版社扱い) 伝説のHOスケール・レイアウトG&D鉄道の物語を、モデル・レールローダー誌の元編集長リン・ウエスコット氏がまとめた本。エピローグの日本語訳がブログ「米国型鉄道模型とモダンジャズ」で披露されている。書評はTrain誌1981年10月号p56松本謙一氏。作者のジョン・アレンなどについてはアメリカ型鉄道模型大辞典を参照。 2011年のハードカバー新版は頁数が160頁に増え、PFM広告用に撮影された写真や、写真や記事のリストが追加されたという。>>第3次掲示板 |