
All-Nation Hobby Shop Catalog -O gauge


Sixth Edition, "O" Gauge Catalog
214x280mm, 96 pages
price: $1.00

98img677.jpgFully lighted and neatly arranged window is a traffic stopper for All-Nation Hobby Shop. Two revolving displays show special feature merchandise. The window is changed regularly with new items. All-Nation was established in 1923 by James H. Wilson, who is the sole proprietor.

98img678.jpg BOB COLSON, General Manager of All-Nation and James H. Wilson, Owner look over some of the recent sides and kits added to great All-Nation Line. Bob is a well known specialist in Railroading.
RICHARD BOSAK is head of our production and Assembly; of our wholesale line. He is the one that sees you get all these fine kits that are practically trouble free, showing the wonderful supervision of assembly.
LLOYD McNUTT, is head of our Ship model and Airplane departments and to him goes the tremendous job of keeping up the huge stock of parts and kits. EACH All-Nation Employees knows ALL PHASES of the hobby business and can take over in any department if necessary. (This photo used on page 44 of the MR's January 1954 issue, without any explanation for the shop.)

img034.jpg鉄道模型趣味誌1955年3月号に宍戸圭一氏の訪問記事が掲載され、同12月号に店頭写真(右のもの、「高級モデルノート」に再録)がある。(The left picture is the front scene of All-Nation Hobby Shop in 1955)
 O Scale NewsのサイトにRobert A.(Bob) Colson, Sr.についての記述がある。

 同店について言及しているサイトは、Binns RoadO Scale Resource2013年11-12月号p9-17、Visit in 1978


Here's good news for Model Railroaders on the lookout for friendly, quick, intelligent service! Something NEW has been added at ALL-NATION . . . the genial personality of BOB COLSON behind the counter. BOB is well known as a real authority on model railroading . . . knows his engines "from scoop to nuts" . . . was formerly manager of the famous C&O model railroad layout which toured the country from coast to coast. For the past two years BOB has been serving model rail-road customers of another hobby shop in Chicago. Now you'll find BOB COLSON here at our store. Write him . . . come in and greet him ... at ALL-NATION now!

106 page of Feb. 1948 issue of Model Railroader magazine

27 page of Jan. 1959 issue of Model Railroader magazine
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