The Ultimate Vintage Model Railways Book
published in 2001 by Tatsuya Taguchi, written in Japanese
boxed Horizontal A4 size hardcover 192 pages
田口達也著, 誠文堂新光社発行, 吉野正司撮影
O番 零番 Oスケール O-scale
Appeared manufacturers Japan: Masudaya-Boueki, Seki-Denki (Stronlite), Asahiya, Chiyoda-Keiki, Kawai-Mokei, Nishio-Otokichi, Takeoka-Shoji, Katsumi-Mokeiten (KTM/International Model Products, Max Gray, Ken Kidder), Sakai(I), Sakai(II), Aster, Kumata (KMT) Foreign: Bing, Märklin (Maerkln), Lionel, Bassett-Lowke, Paya, Elettren, Micro-Metakit
Many railroad models over the past 100 years the author has collected, have been introduced with photographs, manufacturers' catalogues, advertisings in magazines and other materials. Adding, the texts said situation of the model railroad. Since O-gauge was the world's standard before and after World War II, most of the toy trains for boys and the fine models for enthusiasts were so. This book should notify the readers about the splendor of train models.
See also my blog article.