soft cover 153x229mm, 156 pages, $15.95, Ballpark Impressions, L.L.C., Keller, Texas

Back cover: Bobbye Hall is pictured with former employee Lynne Fleming on her 96th birthday in September 2005
テキサス州西部の小さな町、タホカの女の子は誰も、男が支配する鉄道模型の業界のトップに就くとは想像できるものでは無かった。 ボビー・ホールも夢にも思わなかったけれど、その人生を歩むこととなった。1946年、ボビーはその第一歩を印して、最も成功した小売業者および輸入業者の一つとなった。業界を縦横無尽に駆け回り、世界中の著名人と交流した輝かしい55年の生涯を、この活気に満ちた女性と共著者ティム・ブラックウェルと一緒に振り返ろう。 | Most girls from the small West Texas town of Tahoka could not imagine rising to the top of the male-dominated model train industry. Bobbye Hall certainly didn't dream of it---she lived it! In 1946, Bobbye embarked upon a prestigious career as one of the industry's most successful retailers and importers. Join this energizing lady and co-author Tim Blackwell on a fascinating ride through the model train industry, and a tender look back at a remarkable 55-year career that took her all over the world, introduced her to royalty and celebrities, and forged friendships that lasted a lifetime. |
Table of Contents
1----Chapter 1---Developing a life-long affection
9----Chapter 2---Picking up roots (and pieces)
15--Chapter 3---Love and model trains
24--Chapter 4---Starting with plain vanilla
33--Chapter 5---One of the men in the Windy City
39--Chapter 6---Becoming one with the neighborhood
45--Chapter 7---Making a statement
54--Chapter 8---A good opportunity at Casa View
61--Chapter 9---New beginnings and uncertainties
69--Chapter 10--Fresh start and around the world
79--Chapter 11--To Tokyo with Hallmark idea
87--Chapter 12--Picking up steam with the Japanese
98--Chapter 13--Exploring new territory in Korea
107-Chapter 14--Good, but painful times
112-Chapter 15--Slice of life at Hall's Hobby House
122-Chapter 16--From Counts to cruises
131-Chapter 17--People and singing cowboys
138-Chapter 18--Deposits and withdrawals
148-Chapter 19--Memories of a great ride
In Stock at the publisher, Ballpark Impressions, LLC, Keller, TX.
ボビー・ホール (1909-2007)は、ホールマーク・モデルズのオーナーであると共に、テキサス州ダラスのボビー・ホールズ・ホビー・ハウスという模型店の店主としても知られる。Hal Carstens著"150 Years of Train Models"p22、79、128に“若い頃”の写真、MR誌2007年4月号p9に追悼文がある。業界団体のHMA(Hobby Manufacturers Association)がボビーホール功労賞を設ける。開店50周年記念貨車をファンタジーボックスに展示している。
![]() | Bobbye Autrey Hall (1909-2007) owned Hall's Hobby House in Dallas, Texas, and founded Hallmark Models. There are pictures at her "young age" in some pages of "150 Years of Train Models" by Hal Carstens, and a memorial statement in the April issue 2007 of Model Railroader magazine. The HMA (Hobby Manufacturers Association) established the Bobbye Hall Award. The 50th anniversary commemorative model is displayed here. Hallmark was a brass importer, supplied HO, HOn3, N, O & On3 scale models using Kumata, Mizuno, Fujiyama, GoM, Samhongsa, Asin, Dong Jin, Kyong Dong, Rok Am and etc. from 1967 to 1989(?). The brand name of upper grade models was "Super Crown." |
The Hallmark Models' products appeared in magazines
Series | Railroad, Number, Phase | Object | scale | mgzn | issue | page | Manufacture | Note |
Brill | EBT, M1 | Model | HOn3 | Train | 91.01 | 110 | Samhongsa | |
Brill | EBT, M1, year 1926 | Model | HOn3 | Train | 97.03 | 52 | Samhongsa 1983 | |
Brill | Sperry Rail Service, 136, year 1928 | Model | HO | Train | 97.03 | 50 | Mizuno 1969 | ex-NYC M-11 rail detictor |
Budd, RDC | AT&SF, DC191 | Model | HO | Train | 87.03 | 49 | Samhongsa 1985 | |
Budd, RDC | AT&SF, DC192 | Model | HO | Train | 87.03 | 49 | Samhongsa 1985 | |
EMC, 75' | AT&SF, M115-126 | Model | HO | Train | 97.03 | 50 | Kyong Dong 1976 | |
EMC, 75' | AT&SF, M150-157, year 1931 | Model | HO | Train | 97.03 | 50 | Kyong Dong 1976 | |
EMC, M190 | AT&SF, M190, Gas-Electric | Model | HO | Train | 88.08 | 54 | Rok Am | D&GRN |
EMD | AT&SF, 1+1A | Model | HO | Train | 87.03 | 49 | KMT | |
EMD | AT&SF, 1+1A, Streamlined | Review | HO | Train | 84.11 | 90 | KMT | |
EMD, CF7 | Topeka Cab | Review | HO | Train | 81.03 | 87 | KMT | |
EMD, CF7 | AT&SF, Topeka Cab | Model | HO | Train | 92.05 | 75 | KMT | |
EMD, E5 | CB&Q | Model | HO | Train | 79.06 | 63 | KMT | |
EMD, F3 | Model | HO | MRG | 89.01 | 32 | Samhongsa | ||
EMD, FT | Model | N | MRG | 88.10 | 53 | Samhongsa | ||
EMD, FT | Model | HO | MRG | 89.01 | 3 | Samhongsa | ||
EMD, FT | Review | O | OSN | 80.05 | 5 | |||
EMD, GP7 | Model | N | MRG | 88.03 | 3 | Samhongsa | ||
EMD, GP9 | Model | N | MRG | 88.03 | 3 | Samhongsa | ||
EMD, GP9 | Model | N | MRG | 88.07 | 24 | Samhongsa | ||
Caboose, 2300 | SSW, 2301, Drowber | Model | HO | Train | 82.05 | 76 | KMT | |
Caboose, B-W Wood | KCS, 373, Tuscan | Model | HO | Train | 82.05 | 73 | Dong Jing | |
Caboose, Steel Cupola | Wabash, 2748, Red | Model | HO | Train | 82.05 | 77 | Ajin | |
Caboose, Wood Cupola | GM&O, 2634, Red | Model | HO | Train | 82.05 | 73 | Samhongsa | |
Caboose, Wood Cupola | MKT, 790, Yellow | Model | HO | Train | 82.05 | 76 | ||
Caboose, Wood Side Door | Frisco, 27, Red | Model | HO | Train | 82.05 | 77 | KMT | no-BN renumbered |
Caboose, Wood Side Door | T&P, 2702 | Model | HO | Train | 82.05 | 77 | KMT | |
Dynamo | AT&SF | Model | HO | Train | 88.08 | 61 | Samhongsa | |
0-8-0, C2a | MKT, 73 | Model | HO | Train | 92.05 | 74 | Ajin | |
2-10-0, 2565 | AT&SF, 2567 | Model | HO | Train | 92.05 | 75 | Dong Jin | |
2-10-4, 5000 | AT&SF, 5000 | Model | HO | Train | 88.08 | 54 | Dong Jin | D&GRN |
2-6-2, 11 | EBT, 11 | Ad | HOn3 | Train | 90.08 | 79 | Sakatsu | |
2-8-0, 1 | MoPac, 17 | Model | HO | Train | 77.05 | 65 | Dong Jin | |
2-8-0, C63 | MoPac, 17 | Model | HO | Train | 87.05 | 69 | Dong Jin | |
2-8-2, 12 | EBT, 12 | Ad | HOn3 | Train | 90.08 | 79 | Sakatsu | |
2-8-2, 12 | EBT, 14 | Review | On3 | MR | 89.09 | 4 | ||
2-8-2, K28 | D&RGW, 473 | Model | HOn3 | Train | 76.02 | 50 | Dong Jin | |
2-8-2, 4200 | Frisco, 4205 | Model | HO | Train | 79.06 | 70 | Dong Jin | |
2-8-2, 4200 | Frisco, 4205 | Model | HO | Train | 85.11 | 66 | Dong Jin | |
2-8-2, L2d | MKT, 891 | Model | HO | Train | 87.12 | 8 | Dong Jin | |
2-8-2, MK63 | MoPac | Model | HO | Train | 83.04 | 78 | Dong Jin | |
2-8-2, MK63 | MoPac, 1444 | Model | HO | Train | 86.02 | 67 | Dong Jin | |
4-4-0, 182 | Frisco, 187 | Model | HO | Train | 87.12 | 8 | Kyong Dong | |
4-6-2, 1337 | AT&SF, 1369, Valley Flyer | Model | HO | Train | 82.08 | 74 | Dong Jin | |
4-6-2, H3a | MKT, 397 | Model | HO | Train | 76.02 | 50 | Fujiyama 1969 | |
4-6-2, H3a | MKT, 397 | Model | HO | Train | 91.11 | 76 | Fujiyama 1969 | |
4-6-2, H3a | MKT, 397 | Model | HO | Train | 94.01 | 28 | Fujiyama 1969 | |
4-8-2, M1 | T&P, 903 | Model | HO | Train | 86.02 | 67 | Dong Jin | |
4-8-2, M1 | Wabash, 2806 | Model | HO | Train | 87.09 | 55 | Dong Jin | |
4-8-4, 2900 | AT&SF, 2900 | Model | HO | Train | 95.08 | 69 | Samhongsa | |
4-8-4, 3752 | AT&SF, 3752 | Model | HO | Train | 95.01 | 7 | Samhongsa | |
4-8-4, 3776 | AT&SF, 3780 | Model | HO | Train | 95.01 | 7 | Samhongsa | |
4-8-4, 4500 | Frisco | Model | HO | Train | 80.11 | 86 | Dong Jin | |
4-8-4, 4500 | Frisco, 4503 | Model | HO | Train | 83.01 | 79 | Dong Jin | |
4-8-4, 4500 | Frisco, 4503 | Model | HO | Train | 83.04 | 87 | Dong Jin | |
4-8-4, 4500 | Frisco, 4503 | Model | HO | Train | 87.12 | 8 | Dong Jin | |
4-8-4, O1 | Wabash, 2910 | Model | HO | Train | 78.06 | 72 | Dong Jin | |
4-8-4, O1 | Wabash, 2910 | Model | HO | Train | 87.01 | 90 | Dong Jin | |
4-8-4, R67 | RI | Model | HO | Train | 83.04 | 86 | Go Model 1978 | VIP series |
4-8-4, R67 | RI, 5102 | Model | HO | Train | 89.12 | 67 | Go Model 1978 | VIP series |