published by Quincy House copyright 2009 by William L. Click letter size, 129 pages, double O ring binding Contents e BLACK HAWK Dedication 1 Business Cars 67 - 69 7 Light Fixtures 8 Business Cars 70 - 88 41 Railings (Observations & Business Cars) 42 Business Cars 89 - 91 53 Business Car BLACK HAWK (1st original) 59 Business Car 92 63 Business Car BLACKHAWK (2nd modern) 65 Business Cars 93 - 94 69 Business Car GENERAL JOHN A. HULEN 85 Railroad China 90 Business Cars ALEUTIAN, BURLINGTON & THE ROUND-UP 104 Roster of Business Cars 107 The & More section (Additional diagrams of Sleeping cars etc.) This part of the book contains additional drawings that I have gained information for, somce I published my first book "Passenger Cars of the Burlington In 1986" Tese include Diners; Parlor Cars; Sleepers & More. Acknowledgments To all the Burlington employees who created the original diagram books, which made this book possible. To Hol Wagner who provided me with more diagrams and photos than I originally had acquired over the past 30+ years. To all the people and or organizations listed below that provided photos. R. W. Buhrmaster/ Lou Schmitz/ John C. La Rue/ Richard Rumbolz/ Nebraska State Historical Society/ Bernard Corbin/ Alfred Holck/ Joe Legner/ Kai Solvei/ William Raia/ Pullman Co. Smithsonian Institute/ Bruce Fales/ Burlington Historical Society/ Rod Masterson/ Al Hoffman and to Ray Bedard who helped proofread this book. | Forward I became interested in Burlington passenger cars when I saw the "BLACKHAWK" name on the letter board of Burlington's name trains. This train also had a great graphic sign on the last car with the "BLACKHAWK" Indian and his name. I have always felt the Indians were not always fairly dealt with by our government. This is why I like the fact that the Burlington Railroad chose to name one of their name passenger trains after him, and that is one of the reasons I wanted to model this train. I have also modeled the business car "BLACKHAWK" which is how I got into this book. I have chosen to dedicate this book to "BLACKHAWK". I do not own any of the china that was used on this name train or business car as it has become very expensive. The dining car china has the "BLACKHAWK" Indian on the dinner plate and the water pitcher. The other name trains that also had china representing that train's name are "AKSARBEN" and "ARISTOCRAT". This book starts out with business car 67 of which there were two (a first and second). See Roster for list of business cars, at the end of the Business Car section of this book. I have only included photos that I had access to. You will find references to the Burlington Bulletins that have both photos and the history of each car. I am not a historian, so I left that up to Hol Wagner. I have used the title "business car" as most diagrams used that reference. These cars were also referred to as "office cars". In a few instances I used the name on the diagram, which was "special car". I have laid out this book in numerical sequence to make it easy to find each car. Some cars had revisions over time which I have tried to show in dated sequence. Most of my drawings were made from the CB&Q diagram book with the addition of details obtained from photos. Some of the CB&Q dia-grams were drawn just to show minimal detail. For example, some of the windows were drawn just as a rectangle. Therefore, I have tried to give more detail, and to show both sides and the roof which a modeler would need to make these cars. |
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