
Athearn Collector's Companion, 2023 Edition

Yellow and Blue Box Kits and Early "RTR" Models through 2009
by Tim Blaisdell & Ed Urmston Sr. 2023
soft cover perfect binding, letter size, 684 pages

Athearn Collector's Companion3.jpg
(revised and expanded edition of "Standard Guide to Atharn Model Trains, 1998")

v --A portrait of Irv and Adora Athearn
xiii Forword
xv Acknowledgments
xix Introduction
xxiii Notes and Comments

1 Chapter 1: Production Run Kits
482 Accessory Structure Kits--Coal and Sand Loaders
485 Automatic Crossing Gates
485 Athearn Power Packs
488 Athearn Western Models
489 Globe/Athearn Circus Wagon Kits
490 Athearn-Powered Atlas Turbo Express Racer
491 Athearn Convair Vto "Pogo" Airplane
494 Athearn/JMC "Empire Builders" Series
497 Athearn/JMC "Empire Builders" Series 6-Paks
498 Athearn/Railroad Hobbies Models
501 Athearn/Walthers Limited Editions
502 Athearn/Mexicana Models Kits
503 HO Scale Freight Lords
504 Athearn Locomotive Wheelsets and Trucks
505 Athearn Accesssories, Promotional Items, Etc.
509 --The tombstone of Athearn Trains Blue Box kits 1957-2009 R.I.P.

510 Other Athearn Publications
511 Chapter 2: Motive Power for Athearn Locomotives
529 Chapter 3: The Ancestry Athearn Kits Era Packageing
577 Chapter 4: Regular Production Train Sets
621 Chapter 5: Kits Production Pats List
681 Conclusion
683 Biographies
ラベル:Athearn Model data
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