
GN & BN Nelson Line in British Columbia

Railways of Western Canada Series Volume 5, Railways of the West Kootenay part 3
- Red Mountain Ry. -- Nelson & Fort Shepperd Ry. -- Spokane Falls & Northern Ry. -- Great Northern Ry. -- Burlington Northern Rd. -
copyright 1988 by Gerry & Corwin Doeksen, letter size, 48 pages, saddle stitch

back cover: BN F9A's #818, #812 and #808 were going over Beaver Falls when the author took this photo in 1981.cover photo: Southbound BNR #2214 (GP30) & #2516 (GP35) are crossing Beaver Creek Falls, photo by Corwin Doeksen

Nelson_Line.jpgVolume 5 depicts the operations of the Great Northern Railway and the Burlington Northern Railroad in British Columbia. The small railroad map, timetables and schedules include all of the operations in B.C.. However, in volume 5 the emphasis is on the West Kootenay. Operations of the Spokane Falls and Northern Railway, Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway and the Red Mountain Railway are included. Many of the steam and early diesel engines served on all of the B.C. branchlines.
 The S.F.& N.R. was chartered in 1888 and construction came to 15 miles of the Canadian border by 1889. Daniel Chase Corbin, the builder, eventually managed to obtain a charter in Canada and the N.& F.S.R. to Nelson was completed by December of 1893. During 1895/96 he built the Columbia and Red Mountain Railway from Northport to Paterson at the International border and the Red Mountain Railway further to Rossland. In 1898, the same year the Canadian Pacific Railway bought most of the assets of the Columbia and Western Railway to Trail and Rossland, the Great Northern Railway bought up stocks of the Spokane Falls and Northern Railway. By 1905 the G.N.R. built a line into the Grand Forks smelter and into the Pheonix mines. By 1907 the SF&N. Division was dissolved as a subsidiary. By 1921 the Rossland line was abandoned. Today the Nelson line is still serviced by two weekly return trips out of Kettle Falls. Only the first trip goes through to Nelson.
 Between Waneta and Nelson, there are at least 34 bridges and trestles. The siding rail at South Nelson is 66 pounds per yard made in 1893. A lot of rail still in use is 77, 80 and 90 lbs. per yard. Rail from Salmo to Troup is 110 lbs. and the oldest ties are from 1949. Rail from Columbia Gardens to Fruitvale is 132 lbs. and the oldest ties are from 1954. Also all of the rail on the line appears to be relay rail taken from other G.N.R. locations. Original rail was 56 lbs. per yard.
 We would like to acknowledge the encouraging help received from our friends. We will mention in particular Norman C. Keyes Jr., Ron Nixon, Richard L. Meyer and others of the Great Northern Railway Historical Society for the photos and diagrams included.
posted by ワークスK at 02:32| Comment(0) | Book | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

The Diesel Revolution: Railroad History

Millennium Special
copyright by The Railway & Locomotive Historical Society http://rlhs.org/
digest size, 160 pages, adhesive binding

Railroad History2.jpg
Back: On a hazy summer day in 1978, a trio of B&O Geeps hustle a freight through the Potomac Valley alongside the ruins of the C&O Canal. In a few minutes, the diesels will clatter through the interlocking plant at Point of Rocks, Maryland. (Mark Reutter)Cover: Restored Atlantic Coast Line No. 501 poses in December 1999 at its new home at the North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer. The 2,000-hp E-3 unit debuted exactly 60 years earlier on the streamlined Champions placed in service between New York and Miami. (Jim Wrinn)

The Continued Neglect of the Diesel Locomotive
 Why so little scholarly attention? 6

The Revolutionary
 Rudolf Diesel and the theory that shook the world 16

Business Strategies and Diesel Development
 Dueling philosophies in the erecting halls 22

Building a Better Iron Horse
 Reinventing the passenger train for speed and profit 38

Industrial Design Speeds Forward
 Streamlining and the revolution in design 62

Symbol of Progress
 Images of a futuristic age of trains 73

Railroads and the War
 Steam and diesel roll up their sleeves 81

Culture Clash: Diesel vs. Tradition
 Empowering management and standardizing labor 89

Getting to Know Her
 Three railroads learn to like the diesel 100

Covered Wagons and Geeps
 A parade of first-generation growlers 110

Learning from America?
 Technology transfer is not automatic 124

Diesel Railcar: A Look Ahead
 The rise, fall, and return of the RDC 143

Afterword: The Enduring Diesel
 Will it dominate the next 50 years? 155

Worth Reading 158

End Marker 160
 This millennium special edition of Railroad History is devoted to the "machine that saved the railroads." The switch from smoke and reciprocating rods to oil and diesel-electric traction amounted to the greatest change in railroading in the twentieth century. Yet despite the importance and inherent drama of the subject, much of the writing about the diesel has been narrowly technical or submerged in elegiac accounts of the demise of steam power. As Maury Klein points out, the context of dieselization has been neglected. The aim of the following pages is to bring out the context by bringing together leading scholars and experts from various fields.
  Most of the articles here originated from a symposium held at the John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library on April 23-24, 1999, "Railroad Revolution: How the Diesel Locomotive Changed America." The symposium was conducted at the new home of the Barriger Library at the St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Papers from the symposium have been edited, amplified, and supplemented with source documents, photographs, and extensive bibliographic references, mostly centering on the pivotal years of 1930-1960.
  Many people have helped make this issue possible. They include Gregory P. Ames, curator of the Barriger Library; John N. Hoover, director of the St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis; and John P. Mulderig, a financial analyst at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. In addition, the issue has benefitted greatly from the talents of R&LHS members John Gruber and J. Parker Lamb, whose contributions are highlighted in two special photo inserts. I would further like to thank Cornelius W. Hauck, William F. Howes, Jr., and James L. Larson−plus the crack production team of Dian Post and Carolina R. Lofgren−for their support and hard work.
  This "extra run" of RRH marks the 79th year of publication of a journal that began before the first diesel locomotive, Jersey Central No. 1000, trundled forth on the Hudson River docks in 1925. Our next regular issue, No. 182, will appear, per timecard, in July.

ラベル:Diesel locomotive
posted by ワークスK at 00:28| Comment(0) | Book | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Bethlehem Steel Railroading

BACK COVER TOP: PB&NE SW900m #50 is shoving hopper cars past the oil storage tanks at Iron Hill in late winter 1983. These tanks were built as a consequence of the 1970's oil embargo. Photo by Russell W. Yeakel.
BACK COVER BOTTOM: Delaware & Hudson's BS-1 is heading west with a short train of steel ingots and beams at Florence Interlocking in March 1984; empties would return on SB-4. This Conrail main line formerly belonged to the Lehigh Valley, as did GP38-2's #7325 and 7319. Jim Kerner.
FRONT COVER TOP RIGHT On January 27, 1973, slag from the blast furnaces is dumped out of the cinder pots onto the slag pile adjacent to Route 412 near Hellertown. Kodachrome by Mike Bednar. FRONT COVER CENTER: Above the Beam Yard, Lehigh Valley Hammerhead #211 and RS3 #212 are pulling 70 ore loads on track 3 at Florence on April 1, 1975. Willard Blocker is making a run for the hill -- what a sound! The photographer had better get himself over to the crossover switches so he can close up behind the ore drag; FFW-1 is coming fast on the main and can't be held up! Kodachrome by Mike Bednar.
FRONT COVER BOTTOM LEFT: In this view from the Florence Yard office on July 3, 1972, NW2 #23 is working a coke train to the Middle Yard with the rolling mills looming in the background. Though CNJ and Penn Central did not serve the plant directly, they each were kept busy hauling Bethlehem Steel inbound and outbound loads via interchange with LV and Reading. Kodachrome by Mike Bednar.

copyright 2008 by Nevin Sterling Yeakel
The Railroad Press www.alco628.com
letter size, 56 pages, saddle stitch, $24.95

1 Dedication/ Foreword
2 Introduction
3 The Clerical Years
6 The OpenHearth #4
8 The Employee
10 Local Railroad Cars
11 Hazards of Railroading
16 The Supervisory Years
Middle Yard District/ South Junction District/ Shimersville District/ Iron Hill District/ Lehigh West End District/ Saucon East District/ Lehigh North Side District/ Laubach District
35 Track names and Numbers
42 Photos In and Around the Plant
50 Sights, Sounds and Smells
posted by ワークスK at 21:26| Comment(0) | Book | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Tramways of North America


including rapid transit, second edition
Tramway Handbooks No.4 of a Series
by M.R. Taplin
Maps by B. Connelly
Design by E. R. Oakley
Production Editores: L.D.O. Frew & B. Patton
Light Rail Transit Association
Produced by Nemo Productions
Hartley, Kent. Made in England
60 pages, 148 × 210 mm, saddle stitch
£2.50 西山洋書で1,100円

2 Amtrak & Location Map of LRT Systems(下図)
3 Introduction
4 Foreword
5 Key
6 Definitions and a few Statistics
7 Glossary of Terms
8 Fares and Fare Collection
8 Travel to and in North America
9 Museums
9 Preservation
14 Bibliography
15 Magazines
16 LRTs of Canada and U.S.A.
58 Rail Transit Systems Proporsed
  or in Early Stages of Construction

posted by ワークスK at 03:54| Comment(0) | Book | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Amtrak Car and Locomotive Spotter

Rivised Third Edition
including Auto-Train Equipment
copyright 1976 by Wayner Publications
141 pages, 102 x 178 mm, adhesive binding

アムトラック所属機関車および客車の番号リストで、引き継ぎされたものには旧鉄道の番号を付す。各型式にはわずかな説明が付くのみで写真は皆無。こんな本でも発行時には20ドルもしたようだ。同一出版社が出した形式図集の"Amtrak Car Diagrams"と一緒に使えということだったのだろう。
This third edition of the Amtrak Car Spotter, with power units newly added, appears at a watershed time in Amtrak's brief but fascinating history. Almost all of the second-hand engines and cars that Amtrak is likely to purchase are listed in these pages, and from this time forward these renovated veterans will be gradually superseded by new power units and custom-designed Amfleet and hi-level cars. Just when the last piece of secondhand equipment will be consigned to the scrapyard is anyone's guess, but the time can be foreseen when great fleets of efficient but historically uninteresting locomotives will be hauling trains of standardized silver body-shells having just a few basic interior configurations. The traveling public will presumably be happier and more comfortable, but for us railfans a grand and exciting era in passenger-train history will have ended with the retirement of locomotives and cars built for the Broadway Limited, California Zephyr, Hiawatha and Super Chief. Sic Transit Gloria mundi!

Amtrak locomotives and cars are listed in the numerical order of the Amtrak numbers applied or assigned for future application. After each Amtrak number is listed the former owning railroad and the name and/or number the power unit or car had when it was purchased by Amtrak. Then follow any preceding names, numbers or owners, back to the time of construction. The heading for each group of locomotives and cars lists the builder, year built and data on subsequent rebuilding, if any. Auto-Train equipment is listed in a similar way.
The railroad abbreviations we have used such as PRR, AT&SF, UP and L&N are familiar to railroad enthusiasts, but we have devised special abbreviations to identify car numbers not changed after the Burlington Northern merger. Such numbers of Great Northern cars are preceded by BN-GN, of Burlington cars by BN-Q, of Northern pacific cars by BN-NP and of Spokane, Portland and Seattle cars by BN-SP&S. The new Burlington Northern numbers of cars which were renumbered are preceded by BN.

posted by ワークスK at 03:14| Comment(0) | Book | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Burlington Northern Caboose Book

Copyright 1993 by Robert C. Del Grosso
Revision 1 - Reprinted January 1994
Great Northern Pacific Publishcations
200 pages, 140 x 216, adhesive binding

ラベル:bn Caboose
posted by ワークスK at 05:07| Comment(0) | Book | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


The Historical Guide to North American Railroads (Kalmbach)

160 lines abondoned or merged since 1930
Second Edition, from the publisher of Train magazine, Kalmbach Books
480 pages, 211 × 141 mm, adhesive binding

5 Introduction to the Second Edition
7 A Brief History of North American Railroading
15 The Railroads (in alphabetical order)
470 Selected Biographies
477 Glossary

Old names die hard. Today's railroad literature is full of references to railroads that have vanished: "former Northern Pacific main line" . . . "ex-Rutland RS3" . . . "operated first by Penn Central." You want to ask, "What was the Northern Pacific"−- or the Rutland or the Penn Central −- but who can you ask? You need a concise encyclopedia of railroad history that provides answers to the basic questions and points you toward a source of answers to the complex ones.

This book does that. It contains brief histories of the major railroads that have disappeared since 1930, plus statistics, maps, biographies, a glossary, and a summary of North American railroad history. This book is a handy single-volume historical encyclopedia.
posted by ワークスK at 02:54| Comment(0) | Book | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

American Shortline Railways Guide (Kalmbach)

5th Edition, Kalmbach Books
Railroad RefferenceSeries No. 17 by Edward A. Lewis
368 pages, 211 × 141 mm, adhesive binding

on the cover: Fordyce & Princeton 1805, a GP28, leads a freight train through North Crossett, Arkansas, on October 9, 1990. Photo by Louis A. Marre.

12 THE RAILROADS (in alphabetical order)
(23 American Short Line Railroad Association)
(74 The CF7)
(130 The GP16)
(137 The GP8 and GP10)
(226 Norfolk Southern's Thoroughbred Short Line Program)
(260 Railway Association of Canada)
(264 Regional Railroads of America)

Editor: George Drury
Copy Editor: Mary Algozin
Art Director: Kristi Ludwig
Book Designer: Mike Schafer/Andover Junction Publications

THIS BOOK is a ready reference to nearly 600 shortline and regional railroads in the United States and Canada − from the Seminole Gulf Railway in southwest Florida to the Alaska Railroad; from the half-mile NDC Railroad to the 2,000-plus-mile Wisconsin Central. The railroads in the book range in age from 163 years (the Strasburg Railroad, still operating under its 1832 charter) to brand new; the motive power listed in the accompanying rosters includes old steam, new diesel, old diesel, and new steam.
The railroads are arranged in alphabetical order, and the entry for each railroad includes a description and brief history, mailing address, telephone number, miles of road operated, weight of rail, radio frequency, location of engine-house, locomotive roster, and number of cars. The information was compiled by the author, a well-known authority on short lines, and was verified by the railroads themselves.
The four previous editions of The American Shortline Railway Guide, published by the author in 1973 and 1978 and by Kalmbach in 1986 and 1991, were especially useful and established a reputation for accuracy. This new fifth edition should prove equally worthy as a handy field guide and a useful reader's companion. It's a book you'll keep in your camera bag or your glove compartment and on the table next to your favorite reading chair.

About the author
Edward A. Lewis has been a shortline railroader since 1963, when he hired out on the Arcade & Attica Railroad as assistant to the president. He has since held management positions with the Providence & Worcester Railroad, the Strasburg Rail Road, and the Lamoille Valley and Twin States railroads in Vermont. In 1988 he was named president of one of the Southeast's most venerable short lines, the Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad. He was instrumental in starting A&R's two subsidiaries, the Dunn-Erwin Railway and the Pee Dee River Railway. In past years, he has been a consultant for the United States Railway Association and Rail Management Services.
In 1965 Lewis began writing and publishing books on shortline railroads, among them histories of the Arcade & Attica, the Providence & Worcester, and the Wellsville Addmon & Galeton. His book The DO Lines described nine designated-operator railroad created to operate branch lines discarded by Conrail.
posted by ワークスK at 02:51| Comment(0) | Book | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Railway Milk Cars

Volume 1
by Robert A. Liljestrand and John Nehrich
letter size, 48 pages, soft cover
3 History
5 Equipment
7 Relative Size of Milk Car Fleets
18 Known GPEX Lessees
36 Shipping Milk to Gotham
39 D&H Milk Stations, 1951
40 Operations on the D&H
42 Traffic from Other Selected Creameries
48 Index

rear cover photo: GPEX#1014 was at Newport Jct., ME on the Maine Central on May 13, 1967. Leased from GPEX, 50-foot long #1014 operated between the creamery at Newport and Boston in Hood milk service over the MEC and B&M.(J.E. Lancaster)front cover photo: GPEX #1055 waited on a siding with a B&M box car in the mid-1960s. Number 1055 was leased to Hood, one of the 40-foot long all-steel cars built after WWII for milk service. (Russ Munroe)
posted by ワークスK at 23:54| Comment(0) | Book | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

EMD's SD45

Diesel Data Series, Book 1
letter size, 20 pages, Hundman Publishing


drawings by Robert L. Hundman: 1/64 low short hood, 1/87 low & high short hood
ラベル:Diesel locomotive
posted by ワークスK at 21:19| Comment(0) | Book | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする