EMD's SD60 Series, Steppingstone to the 21st Century
by the Diesel Era staff
Withers Publishing 1996, US$ 29.95, softcover, 164 pages
1984年から1995年までに製造されたSD60シリーズの全てを解説。正にHOスケール・モデルのための参考書といった趣きで、各バリエーションの細部写真と10枚の詳細図面は秀逸。ただし、ロングフード・ドアのヒンジの向きが間違っていて、プロト2000製品はこの図面通り。アサーン製品は正しいという。掲載図面については次を参照("DE SD60"と記載)
ディーゼル機関車図面索引 Index of Diesel Locomotive Drawings
表紙写真を更新 2014-05-20
Guide to North American Steam Locomotives (Kalmbach)
History and development of steam power since 1900
compiled by Goege H. Drury
4th printing 2004, 1st printing 1993
448 pages, 211 × 141 mm, adhesive binding
on the cover: Norfolk & Western 129, a streamlined K2 Class 4-8-2 built by Baldwin in 1923, and Norfolk & Western 115, a K1 Class 4-8-2 built by N&W in 1917, at Hagerstown, Missouri. Photo by Jim Shaughnessy.
3 Introduction
12 Railroads, Locomotive Builders, and Locomotive Equipment
432 Appendix
445 Index
The Guide to North American Steam Locomotives explores the fascinating history and development of steam locomotives in North America. This valuable resource also includes details on wheel arrangements and streamlining, as well as rosters, photos, and summaries and specifications for hundreds of locomotives.
• 400+ black-and-white photos, including detail and action shots
• Historical summaries of more than 77 railroads
• Profiles of locomotive makers and equipment, locomotive types, and historic locomotives
• Timeline of steam locomotive development
• 70+ rosters
• Historical and technical societies
• Recommended reading list
By 1960 steam locomotives had all but disappeared from North America's railroads, but more than three decades later they are still among the most fascinating machines ever devised. Among railroad enthusiasts steam remains the number one topic of interest, and the general public still equates railroading with steam locomotives. Why? What lay behind the romance? Steam locomotives were the machinery of transportation, the first industrial technology that was visible to every-one. Who built them? Why did railroads have so many kinds of steam locomotives−and why did locomotives differ so greatly from railroad to rail-road? What did all the parts and plumbing do? This book answers those questions and many oth-ers. It is a compact, one-volume reference book covering the development of steam locomotives in the United States, Canada, and Mexico during the 20th century.
George H. Drury, former Senior Editor in the Books Department of Kalmbach Publishing Co., has traveled extensively by train in North America and Europe and is well known for his articles on rail travel in Trains Magazine. His other books include The Train-Watchers Guide to North American Railroads, The Historical Guide to North American Railroads, and the Guide to Tourist Railroads and Railroad Museums. He has also written and published railfan guides to Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Britain and Ireland. Drury was Kalmbach's railroad librarian for 17 years.
ブログ"TransPacific Railroad"の記事をご覧ください。
compiled by Goege H. Drury
4th printing 2004, 1st printing 1993
448 pages, 211 × 141 mm, adhesive binding
on the cover: Norfolk & Western 129, a streamlined K2 Class 4-8-2 built by Baldwin in 1923, and Norfolk & Western 115, a K1 Class 4-8-2 built by N&W in 1917, at Hagerstown, Missouri. Photo by Jim Shaughnessy.
3 Introduction
12 Railroads, Locomotive Builders, and Locomotive Equipment
432 Appendix
445 Index
The Guide to North American Steam Locomotives explores the fascinating history and development of steam locomotives in North America. This valuable resource also includes details on wheel arrangements and streamlining, as well as rosters, photos, and summaries and specifications for hundreds of locomotives.
• 400+ black-and-white photos, including detail and action shots
• Historical summaries of more than 77 railroads
• Profiles of locomotive makers and equipment, locomotive types, and historic locomotives
• Timeline of steam locomotive development
• 70+ rosters
• Historical and technical societies
• Recommended reading list
By 1960 steam locomotives had all but disappeared from North America's railroads, but more than three decades later they are still among the most fascinating machines ever devised. Among railroad enthusiasts steam remains the number one topic of interest, and the general public still equates railroading with steam locomotives. Why? What lay behind the romance? Steam locomotives were the machinery of transportation, the first industrial technology that was visible to every-one. Who built them? Why did railroads have so many kinds of steam locomotives−and why did locomotives differ so greatly from railroad to rail-road? What did all the parts and plumbing do? This book answers those questions and many oth-ers. It is a compact, one-volume reference book covering the development of steam locomotives in the United States, Canada, and Mexico during the 20th century.
George H. Drury, former Senior Editor in the Books Department of Kalmbach Publishing Co., has traveled extensively by train in North America and Europe and is well known for his articles on rail travel in Trains Magazine. His other books include The Train-Watchers Guide to North American Railroads, The Historical Guide to North American Railroads, and the Guide to Tourist Railroads and Railroad Museums. He has also written and published railfan guides to Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Britain and Ireland. Drury was Kalmbach's railroad librarian for 17 years.
ブログ"TransPacific Railroad"の記事をご覧ください。
ラベル:Steam Locomotive data
Encyclopedia of North American Railroads
Edited by William D. Middleton, George M. Smerk, and Roberta L. Diehl
2007, 1,281 pages, US$99.95
Contents 目次
Preface 巻頭言 ix
Acknowledgments 謝辞 xi
Overview Essays 概略解説
Development of North American Railroads 北米鉄道の発達 1
Keith L. Bryant, Jr. キース・L・ブライアント,ジュニア
A Social History of American Railroads アメリカ鉄道の社会史 18
H. Roger Grant H・ロジャー・グラント
Technology and Operating Practice in the 19th Century 19世紀の技術と運転 37
John H. White, Jr. ジョン・H・ホワイト,ジュニア
Technology and Operating Practice in the 20th Century 20世紀の技術と運転 53
William D. Middleton ウィリアム・D・ミドルトン
Rebuilding a New Rail System 新鉄道システムの再構築 53
Don Phillips ドン・フィリップス
General Entries A-Z 本文 87
Appendix 付録
A: A Statistical Abstract of the Railroads of North America 北米鉄道の統計抄録 1131
B: Maps マップ 1154
C: Glossary of Railroad Terms 鉄道専門用語集 1197
D: 130 Most Notable Railroad Books 130の著名な鉄道書籍 1220
List of Contributors 寄稿者一覧 1225
Index 索引 1233
感想は、ブログTransPacific Railroadの記事をご参照ください。
Milwaukee Road's Rib-Side Cabooses
Milwaukee Road Annual 1996, Milwaukee Road Historical Association
40 pages with covers
詳細図面は、Original 1939 versionと、1970年以降のModernized versionの2種のみ。
本書とシリーズで発行されている、Wooden Cabooseと、Steel Cabooseは出版元に在庫がある。
40 pages with covers
詳細図面は、Original 1939 versionと、1970年以降のModernized versionの2種のみ。
本書とシリーズで発行されている、Wooden Cabooseと、Steel Cabooseは出版元に在庫がある。
The Allegheny, Lima's Finest
by Eugene Huddleston & Thomas W. Dixon, Jr.
Hundman Publishing, 260 pages hardcover 1984,
second printing 1996 US.95
C&O H8, 2-6-6-6の解説本、実物図面と細部写真を満載。
Hundman Publishing, 260 pages hardcover 1984,
second printing 1996 US.95
C&O H8, 2-6-6-6の解説本、実物図面と細部写真を満載。
ラベル:Steam Locomotive
Diesel Spotter's Guide (Kalmbach)
Kalmbach Books
Diesel Spotter's Guide
by Jerry A. Pinkepank 1967 (68年に増刷)
The Second Diesel Spotter's Guide, Including Industrial Units
by Jerry A. Pinkepank 1973 (2nd printing 1974), 459 pages 210×140mm, .75 (83、91、94年に増刷?)
Diesel Spotter's Guide Update: Including Electrics and Lightweight-Train Power Cars
by Jerry A. Pinkepank 1979 (81年に増刷)
The Contemporary Diesel Spotter's Guide
by Louis A. Marre & Jerry A. Pinkepank 1989, 366 pages
The Contemporary Diesel Spotter's Guide, 2nd Edition
A Comprehensive reference manual to locomotives since 1972, including rebuilding, upgrading, and leasing programs.
by Louis A. Marre 1995, 351 pages, 210×140mm, .95
Diesel Spotter's Guide
by Jerry A. Pinkepank 1967 (68年に増刷)
The Second Diesel Spotter's Guide, Including Industrial Units
by Jerry A. Pinkepank 1973 (2nd printing 1974), 459 pages 210×140mm, .75 (83、91、94年に増刷?)
Diesel Spotter's Guide Update: Including Electrics and Lightweight-Train Power Cars
by Jerry A. Pinkepank 1979 (81年に増刷)
The Contemporary Diesel Spotter's Guide
by Louis A. Marre & Jerry A. Pinkepank 1989, 366 pages
The Contemporary Diesel Spotter's Guide, 2nd Edition
A Comprehensive reference manual to locomotives since 1972, including rebuilding, upgrading, and leasing programs.
by Louis A. Marre 1995, 351 pages, 210×140mm, .95
Interurban Electric Locomotives
from Baldwin-Westinghouse
by Joseph A. Strapac
2001 (2nd printing 2005) letter size, soft cover, 128 pages, .95
2:Class A Locomotives
3:Custom-Built Locomotives
4:Short Cab "Pre-B" Locomotives
5:Class B Locomotives
6:Class D Locomotives
7:Class B-1 Locomotives
8:Class C Locomotives
9:Class E Locomotives
10:Class S Locomotives
11:Competitors and Imitators
13:Numeric Production List
書評:TMS 2001-12 p109
from General Electric
by Joseph A. Strapac
2004, letter size, soft cover, 128 pages, .95
1:Introduction-Freedom from the Trolley Wire
2:The Pioneers, 1893-1906-Exports to England and France
3:Built by Alco, 1906-1913
5:Articulated Trucks-GE's Best Customer
6:Arch-Bar Trucks
7:Built by Erie, 1913-1936
8:Inside-Frame Trucks
10:Post-1936-New Outlines
11:Latin America
12:Numeric Production List
Iron Ore Railroads
by Patrick C. Dorin
2002, 103 pages .95 letter size, soft cover
VI Acknowledgment
VII Introduction
2 Chapter 1 The Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Railway
36 Chapter 2 GN / NP / BN / BNSF
64 Chapter 3 Northshore Mining / Cyprus North Shore / Reserve Mining
80 Chapter 4 LTV / Erie Mining
92 Chapter 5 The Soo Line Railroad
98 Chapter 6 Canadian National Railways
ラベル:Freight Car
Critters, Dinkys & Centercabs
The identification guide for small American gas and Diesel locomotives
by Jay Reed, 2000, soft cover 154×229mm 192 pages, .95
Adamson, American Gas-O-Motive, American (Alco), Atlas, Balco, Baldwin, Berkeley, Brookville, Burton, Canadian Locomotive, Caterpillar, Cincinnati, Davenport, EMC/EMD/GMD, Euclid, General Electric, Goodman, Greensburg, Heisler, Holt, Jeffrey, Lakewood, Lima, Mack, Mancha, Mckeen, Midwest, Milwaukee, Minster, National Mine, Plymouth, Porter, Prouty, Republic, Rogers, Skagit, Vulcan, Westinghouse, Whitcomb, engines
出版元Rio Hondoに問い合わせのこと。サイトには本書の正誤表を含む。類書でComprehensive Guide To Industrial Locomotives, 3rd Edition (.95)も発売中
Refrigerator Car Color Guide
An all-color examination of privately-owned, ice-bunker refrigerator cars and their operation in the 1950's, 60's and 70's.
by Gene Green 2005
hard cover, letter size, 128 pages, 59.95
In Stock at the Publisher, Morning Sun Books
Table of Contents
3 Introduction
6 Icing Refrigerator Cars
10 Icing Facilities
14 American Refrigerator Transit
22 Armour Co.
27 Cudahy Car Lines
30 Fruit Growers Express (Burlington Refrigerator Express Co. & Western Frui Express Co.)
48 General American Tranportion Corp.
51 Merchants Despatch Transportation Corp.
66 Morrell, Rath & Mather Stock Car Co.
74 North American Car Corp.
78 North Western Refrigerator Line Co.
84 Pacific Fruit Express
94 Railway Express Agency
96 Swift
104 Union Refrigerator Transit
121 Western Refrigerator Line
123 Wilson Car Line
128 Epilogue
ラベル:Freight Car REEFER