
BN Burlington Northern 1972 Annual

Copyright 1972 by Motive Power Services
letter size, 100 pages, adhesive binding
BN Burlington Northern 1972 Annual.jpg
Cover Painting
  Two big Alco Century 636's move a freight eastward along the Columbia River's north bank on former SP&S trackage. The original of this painting by noted railroad artist Howard Fogg measures only 8x11 inches, was executed specifically for the 1972 BN Annual and is now in the collection of Ronald C. Hill.

2 Motive Power Changes, 1971-1972
10 The Faces of Burlington Northern
12 The Beef Express and Pacific Zip
17 Freight Car Anomalies
18 Feature Model: The Century 636
  (4360-4369 drawings for modelers)
25 5660: Red, Wrecked and Rehabilitated
26 Leased Power
30 BN: The People Mover
51 Roster of BN Passenger Cars
59 Yesterday and Tomorrow of Passenger Service
60 Oddball E's
61 9950: Oddest of the Odd
63 Roster of BN Locomotives
100 Assignment of BN Locomotives, 9/1/72
Editor's Note
  This is our second year and Burlington Northern's third; both appear to be meeting with success thus far. BN was recently chronicled in Fortune magazine as the only successful large-scale railroad merger of the past decade, and response to our first BN Annual has been extremely gratifying.
  This year our name has been changed to reflect a change in em-phasis of the publication. The words Motive Power have been dropped from the title, and, due to numerous requests, we have expanded coverage to other types of equipment, to wit, this year's feature article beginning on page 30 and the freight car featurette on page 17. Our primary emphasis, however, will continue to be placed on BN's ever-changing motive power fleet.
  Articles already in preparation for future issues include coverage of cabooses, business cars, rotary snowplows, iron ore operations and Chicago area commuter service. Feature locomotive models upcoming include GE's U23C U30C U33C line and EMD's SW1. Photographs and data for these articles will be welcomed.
  Again this year we owe a debt of thanks to the many individuals who have contributed the time, information and photographs which make the 1972 Annual possible. Foremost among these is BN's own public relations department, under the able direction of Al Rung. Others who have made their contribution include:
Gib Allbach, Keith and Kenneth Ardinger, Peter Arnold, Ted Benson, Larry Bischoff, Thomas F. Chenoweth, Dave G. Chornell, George R. Cockle, Bernard G. Corbin, Richard Crescitelli, Douglas E. Cummings, George H. Drury, Keith Enget, Ed A. Fulcomer, Mike Gelhaus, Bryan Griebenow, Frank and Paul Guernsey, Elmer K. Hall, Robert R. Harmen, A. T. Hennek, Robert H. Heuerman, Keith W. Hill, Ronald C. Hill, Jerrold F. Hilton, J. David Ingles, Clayton F. Jones, Edward L. Kanak, Timothy J. Kilroy, William S. Kuba, John H. Kuehl, Robert Lehman, Ronald E. Lutz, Mark Lynn, Laurence Mack, Bruce A. Notman, Vincent J. Porreca, Gerald J. Quinn, William A. Raia, Karl F. Rasmussen, Jerome A. Rosenfeld, Richard L. Schmeling, Harry Schimm, Don Schneider, Richard Steinbrenner, Thomas J. Strauss, Rod Stroud, Nick Thoralson, Garth L. Tyckoson, Richard Vartabedian, David P. Wag-ner, Richard R. Wallin, Fred Ziebe, Bruce D. Barrett, Tom Baukus, Carol L. Ingles and Larry G. Russell. For those interested in additional sources of information along the lines of that provided by this annual, we heartily recommend the following organizations and publications: Extra 2200 South The Locomotive Newsmagazine (Box 41417 Cincinnati, OH 45241), GN-NP Technical Society (1025 Third Ave. New York, NY 10021), SP&S Dope Bucket SP&S Technical Society (95 Smull Ave., West Caldwell, NJ 07006)
  Finally, in answer to numerous inquiries, Motive Power Services has begun preparation of a Union Pacific Motive Power Annual, but no date of publication has as yet been established.
F. Hol Wagner, Jr. Editor
posted by ワークスK at 16:47| Comment(0) | Annual | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

BN Burlington Northern 1971 Motive Power Annual

Copyright 1971 by Motive Power Services
letter size, 80 pages, saddle stitch binding
Cover Painting
  Noted railroad artist Howard Fogg painted this scene for BN's 1970 Christmas card; it depicts three F45's on a hotshot freight high in the Montano Rockies. On the opposite page appear Howard's rough pencil sketch and preliminary water color, both of which feature SD45's rather than the F45's selected for the final version. The original painting now hangs in the BN general offices in St. Paul.

3 Burlington Northern: The Name,
  The Emblem, The Color
6 Metamorphosis of an E8
8 SD45's
10 Feature Model: The F45
 (6614-6625 drawings for modelers)
15 F9's in Action
17 Montana in Winter
18 Leased Power 18
26 The SD45X: EMD 4201-4203 and 5740
28 Coal by the Trainload
40 The "DOT U-Boat"
41 Burlington Northern Locomotives:
  March 2, 1970 to March 2, 1971
44 The Roster
Editor's Note
  This is the first issue of what will hopefully become a yearly publication. For our inspiration, we at Motive Power Services are indebted to Joe Strapac and Chatham Publishing Company, whose Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual has been the sole publication of this type for the past five years.
  Depending on public reaction and response, future issues may be expanded to include facets of the BN other than just motive power. It interest warrants, features on passenger, freight and company service equipment will also be included, and more scale drawings can also be featured.
  The editor and the other partners in MPS are eternally grateful to the many people who have helped to bring this annual to fruition Our very special thanks to Albert M. Rung, Vice Presi-dent of Public Relations and Advertising for Burlington Northern, for all his cooperation and assistance and for allowing use of the cover painting by Howard Fogg. In addition, thanks are due Howard himself for letting us reproduce his pencil sketch and preliminary water color, something seldom seen in a publication of this sort. Without the assistance of devoted BN fans J. David Ingles and Richard R. Wallin, the information herein would be far from complete. And finally, our thanks to the many people who have so graciously provided the photographs which make this annual what it is: Roger Burrows, Tom H. Chenoweth, David Chornell, George R. Cockle, Bernard G Corbin, Richard Crescitelli, Doug Cummings, Ed A. Fulcomer, Frank W. Guernsey, Robert R. Harmen, Keith W. Hill, Ronald C. Hill, Jack M. Hoist, Clayton F. Jones, Edward L. Kanak, William S. Kuba, John H. Kuehl, W. W. Langford, Carl F. Nelson, Vince J. Porreca, William A. Raia, Larry G. Russell, Neil Shankweiler, Rod Stroud, John E. Tudek, Garth L. Tyckoson, Richard Vartabedian, David P. Wagner and James W. Zwernemann. Again, thanks.
F. Hol Wagner, Jr. Editor
posted by ワークスK at 12:21| Comment(0) | Annual | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Passenger Train Annual


PTA1.pngPassenger Train Annual No.1, from the Publishers of Passenger Train Journal 1975, soft cover, letter size, 64 pages

To The West, To The East, Commuters, Canada, Under Steam, Only Yesterday, Alcos East/Alcos West, No More Chiefs, Now and Then: Dearborn Englewood

Passenger Train Annual No.2

PTA3.pngPassenger Train Annual No.3, from the Publishers of Passenger Train Journal 1978, soft cover, letter size, 72 pages .95

Some 1977 Highlights, The West from a Dutch Door, Shore Line in Transition, Thirty Years of Passenger Trains

PTA4.pngPassenger Train Annual No.4, from the Publishers of Passenger Train Journal 1980?, soft cover, letter size, 80 pages .95

The Year in Review, The Vanishing Covered Wagon, Steam:Simply Spectacular, Action in the Golden State, Canada in the Age of VIA

PTA1987.pngPassenger Train Annual 1987, from the Publishers of Passenger Train Journal 1987, soft cover, letter size, 80 pages .95

The Heritage Years, The Amtrak Era, Rush Hour, Special Move, Oh Canada!

PTA1988.pngPassenger Train Annual 1988, from the Publishers of Passenger Train Journal 1988, soft cover, letter size, 80 pages .95

Year in Review: 1987, Private-Car Fraternity 10th Convention, Illustrated Amtrak Rolling Stock Roster, Night Train, Transit Pictrial, Canada's Rail Riding Royalty, Along the Heritage Trail, A 20th Century Tribute

PTA1990.pngPassenger Train Annual 1990, from the Publishers of Passenger Train Journal 1990, soft cover, letter size, 80 pages (西山洋書 4,590円)

Year in Review: 1990, Illustrated Commuter Rail Roster, Eathquake '89, NRHS Convention '89: Asheville, The Heritage Years, Today's Passenger Scene

PTA1991.pngPassenger Train Annual 1991, from the Publishers of Passenger Train Journal 1991, soft cover, letter size, 64 pages .95

Year in Review: 1990, A Canadian Adieu, Amtrak's Top Ten, Tracking the Superliner, Light Rail Resurgence, The Transition Years, The heritage Years

PTA1992.pngPassenger Train Annual 1992, from the Publishers of Passenger Train Journal 1992, soft cover, letter size, 64 pages .95

Year in Review, Outlaw Trains, Heritage Years, Twenty Years of Amtrak, Commuter Trains Across America

PTA1993.pngPassenger Train Annual 1993, from the Publishers of Passenger Train Journal 1993, soft cover, letter size, 64 pages .95(西山洋書 2,490円)

Year in Review: 1992, Chicago-Twin Cities Fast trains, A New Face for BN Commuter Trains, Amtrak's California Capitol Corridor
posted by ワークスK at 23:04| Comment(0) | Annual | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする